Laying a patio.

We get a lot of customers who are looking to save money by installing either a natural stone or a paving stone patio or walkway themselves. We don’t mince words when we help these customers – laying a patio is a lengthy and labour-intensive undertaking. However, if you are up to the task, you can save money by completing the work yourself. We always recommend researching the subject fully, and following the specific installation instructions of the manufacturer of the product you are installing.

Remember, the base is the most important part of any installation – it’s a lot of work to dig down 6+ inches, but by providing this good base, your patio will last years and years to come. It’s much more work to have to lift and re-lay a patio again the following year!

Barkman and Rosetta Stone installation instructions can be found here. 

Expocrete/Belgard installation instructions can be found here.