We know it can be confusing ordering products. There are products sold by weight, layers, and in some cases full skids. Our staff have extensive knowledge of all our products, and the resources to accurately quantify the amount of product required.
Orders can be placed over the phone, in person, or by email. While it would be perfect if everyone ordered their required materials a week in advance, we understand that can’t always be the case. We do prefer to have at least 48 hours notice for hardscape orders, especially if it requires multiple skids to be split. Most of the common hardscape products, such as Holland stone or Roman pavers, as well as accessories such as edge restraint and polymeric sand, are stocked and ready in our yard. Products not in stock typically take only 1-2 days to bring in from the manufacturer, although we can occasionally encounter longer delays.
Aggregates and soils are kept bulk in our yard, constantly replenished, and available for pick up at any time. Orders for bulk deliveries are scheduled for the next day. We do not perform deliveries on Sundays.
Need to rush into the store and only have your square footage calculated? No problem. Let us do the math and get you on your way quickly! Sure, you can pop online and use our handy calculator, but our staff do these calculations dozens of times a day, and we are quite good at getting your quantity right on the nose.
If you need assistance with ordering or estimating, would like us to share technical documents with you, or would like to stock up on catalogues, simply stop on in to either of our locations and talk to one of our staff members.
Please note, we typically do not perform takeoffs from landscape drawings. If you need help with larger projects please reach out to a staff member so that we can set aside dedicated time to help you out. Estimates will be done to the best of our ability with the information that we are provided, but we do not take responsibility for underestimated numbers, or overages.